Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tanya Writes About Normal Again

Wow, how can it be June? So much of 2008 is a blur, a bad, sad movie. But we're on that road to normal.

My hero had a doctor's appointment today. No, not about the T.C. About the two ruined knees and rebuilt shoulder he sustained as a firefighter. Seems like a slam dunk, huh? But we live in the state of Caliconfusion with an idiot at the helm. He changed the rules on job-related injuries, meaning unless it killed you, you didn't really get hurt.

God help us when the T.C. goes to evaluation. Many universities' studies show that it is a job related condition for firefighters due to all the hazardous materials, fumes, chemicals they are bombarded with over the years. Firefighters get T.C. 102% more often than other occupations. But his first letter from workman's comp mentioned the "alleged" testicular cancer.

Yeah, alleged! He lost a nut and endured chemo so harrowing it almost ended his life. But according to "Ahnold" and his henchmen, it's just an allegation.

But hey. I'm happy! I got working today on a new Western while he was answering this new doctor's questions for the bazillionth time. The last few months totally drained my creativity from me...So tomorrow I'm meeting a writer friend for coffee and laptopping, and a bunch of us authors are getting together for a formal tea on Saturday.

I'm happy! My hero's stronger and hotter every single day with his new stylish goatee --just about the only hair that's started sprouting again. A waiter remarked the other day how cool he looks. Privately to me, he joked about his GQ chemo look.

I'm happy! Our grandbaby spent all last weekend with us! Oh that angel. Now, I love my own kids passionately but there's something about loving a grandchild that I could never imagine before it happened.

Thank God we had that little guy in our lives during those horrible weeks. My hero kept his faith and kept his hope because he knew just who he was fighting for.

Oh, normal. Oh, happy.

Oh, baby.

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